The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD 'DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: SATURDAY MAY 22 1943 HOLYOKE NEWS THE DAY CHICOPEE NEWS THE DAY IRST HOLYOKE GRADUATION SPEAKER WILL BE JUNE BRIDE WILL HONOR V12 CLASS MAN COPERNICUS ON LIGHT IGHT ENTERS NAVY the DR CLAUDE superior OTHER HOLYOKE NEWS ON PAGE 12 has that STARTS SUNDAY The Ritz Brothers further Hunter Rnmember COME TO THE SAVE YOUR POINTS NO COVER NO MINIMUM by a com KELLEY'S (50c lillCuTJ WERNICK The Next GARDENS HAMPTON PONDS SHARON'S Dine and Dance OR AN EVENING YOU WILL REMEMBER MINSTREL ENDMAN MUSIC BY THE Sharon Cafe Orchestra Tel 9596 OR SALE 52 LAMB STREET SOUTH HADLEY ALLS OR SALE amily STARTING TUESDAY CASH SUOLK In Willimansett at the VICTOR jfegRivou CMNSS time and the but her May 22 Aviation Cadets Chase son of Mr and Mrs Chase of 60 Calumet road Rainauli son of Mr and VALLEY ARENA GARDENS LOBSTER HOUSE APPLETON and RACE Gammie Gammie the first LIEUT PEREIRA ORDERED TO REPORT AT BALTIMORE WE CATER TO PRIVATE PARTIES AT ANY TIME AtlTO REPAIRING in hv in IN HOLYOKE interest of Alisa Mr and Armand is with God Hol and Mon Cabot Bridge Holyoke '40 Chev '40 ord Convertibles '37 Packard 4 Dr sed bargain '37 Plym '37 Dodge 4 Dr sedans (37 Pontiac sed repainted black '37 DeSoto convertible coupe '36 ord sedan good tires Your car in trade terms ENDS 2 BIG HITS! "DR RENAULT'S SECRET" "IGHTING RONTIER" ob hall 22 Capt Thomas Northampton street years a member of department was re from active service rom Our Complete Stock of ine Wines Beers Liquors CHICOM ANSETT TO GET CENTERS OR CHILDREN WANDA GWOZDZ SENT TO THE REORMATORY OH Apremont Highway Holyoke Westfield Road Holyoke May 22 Plans are com plete for a penny social sponsored by the Holy Name society of Holy Cross church to be held Monday and Tues day night at the parish hall Rev James Sears is moderator and will be assisted by a large committee headed by John McCormick En tertainment and booster prizes will be furnished both nights tSgsr wihOTTO KRUGER S18 HIGH i PACKAGE STORE INC TYPIST STENOGRAPHER EXAMS SET TUESDAY RIENDS ETE AT AREWELL PARTY BRONSON CO GETS CRUISER CONTRACT Holyoke Russell Russell and Roger Mrs Edward Rairault of 59 Beacon avenue have reported to the army air forces preflfght school for pilots at Maxwell field Ala to begin the second phase of their training as pi lots They had been stationed at an army air corps center at Nashville Tenn The cadets are receiving nine weeks of intensive physical military and academic instruction at Maxwell field in preparation for their flight training at one of the primary flying schools in the Southeast Previous to their entrance in the service Chase was a student at Dart mouth college and Rainault was a member of the junior class at the University of Alabama MEN CLUB HAS ANNUAL ELECTION Our New Store Hours MON TUES WED 9 A fo 11 POLICE SEEK PLEASURE DRIVERS PENNY SOCIAL AT HOLY CROSS CHURCH The Nit Club on th BUS LINE Music Miss Connie Garvey of Chicopee street Willimansett gave a birthday party in honor of Joseph Douville of 712 Chicopee street Guests were: Mr and Mrs John Garvey Mr and Mrs Lawrence Douville Mr and Mrs Roger Chamberlain Mrs Rita Bulkley Mrs Joseph Douville and Mrs Con stance Kane Miss Garvey enter tained at the piano Ends Tonite: "Destination Unknown" and "Sundown Kid" O'DONNELL'S PACKAGE STORE MAIN ST Bring The amily Here or Your ADJUSTMENTS' SOON OR TAKING LAND 'De Revolt) tionibus Orbium which revolutionized of the solar system the era of modern organiza local city vfith AIR CADETS REPORT TO PRELIGHT SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL HOLDS ANNUAL COLOR DAY CAPT CONWAY IREMAN RETIRED Worcester May 22 rink Baginski son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Baginski of 51 Norwood terrace Hol yoke a sophom*ore at Worcester Poly technic institute has been elected vice president of his class An honor student and letterman in soccer and track he prepared for college at Hol yoke high school lie is vice president of the student branch of the Amer ican Society of Chemical Engineers and publicity manager of Masque the dramatic society His fraternity is Theta Kappa Phi Mrs Ralph Rogers of 'Arlington street entertained Meshaw of the Coast guard stationed at ort Turnbull New London Ct and Stev en A Ramshauer of Camp Endicott Davisville 11 I for two days SERGT BIGELOW GETS AIR MEDAL Single house 7 rooms now vacant All modern 2 car garage 118 Davenport St Glenwood section urther information Call Chic 798 Chicopee May 22 About 25 close friends of Capt Nelson McCraw held a farewell party for him at George camp near the Oxford club vesterday afternoon A city hall officials AH in Chicopee Could Be Occupied at Once OTHER CHICOPEE NEWS ON PAGE 12 1 amily 2 amilies amilies Do You Like Thrills See Hidden A WARNER BROS CAST (Continuous Show Sunday) ENDS TONIGHT "THE OREST RANGERS" and "Boston Blackle Gons Hollywood" NOLEN ALVEY CONER TODAY Hampden County Improvement league will meet Wednesday afternoon at 130 in the home of Mrs Ruby New comb IS Theodore street at which time there will be a salad demonstra tion by Miss Mollie Higgins assistant home demonstration agent The pub lic is cordially invited to attend The Slip a Stitch' Knitting club will meet with Mrs Rose Moreau of Broad way Monday evening at A social hour will follow the knitting hour There will be a meeting of Rock rimmon Rebekah lodge Monday night' 745 in the Masonic temple on East street Mrs Doris Bowman No ble Grand will be in charge of the business meeting which will be fol lowed by a buffet' luncheon and social It is hoped that there will be a good attendance and each member is re quested to bring a box lunch Word has been received by Mrs Stella Wrobel of 34 Spring street that her son Joseph Wrobel has been promoted to the rank of corporal from private first class lie is sta tioned at ort Jackson Pvt Alphonse Litwin has been trans ferred to ort Blanding la where he is attached to the medical corps He is the son of Mr and Mrs Litwin of Sheridan street lie was educated in the local schools and prior to enter ing service was employed at the isk division of the United States Rubber company He was presented with a purse from his business associates before leaving for the service James Delaney who formerly made his home in this city is now stationed at ort Bragg where he is at tending an training school Mr Delaney is a graduate of Chicopee high school where he was a star football and baseball player and is also a graduate of the Massachusetts State Teachers college at itchburg Mr and Mrs Jeremiah Brown of East Main street have returned from Syracuse where they were guests for a week number of among the NEW STORE HOURS: THURS RI SAT 9 A to 11 N0TEi EVERY THURS RI Z' YOU MAY DANCE IN OUR BEAUTIUL PINE ROOM of Narragansett boulevard De neia Assump Special Concert Music Every Sunday Holyoke May The Holyoke Men club held its annual dinner meeting and election of officers last night at the King's Kitchen of Hotel Essex the event being moved ahead from June because of the closing of the schools which will take place this month instead of in June red Alockler who retired as president to night after two years in that office presided at the meeting The new officers are President Wil bur of the high school faculty vice president rancis Mur phy principal of Joseph Metcalf school: secretary James A Nolan of the Highlands Junior high school: treasurer James Bower principal of the Lawrence school SUNDAY DINNER Excellent Cuisine Holyoke May 22 our hundred and fifty Girl Scouts sent a thrill through the large audience of parents and friends last night at the War Me morial building when they marched down the center aisle of the large au ditorium stood at attention and recit ed in strong voice and true the pledge of allegiance to the flag and later sung it was the prelude to a pageant for written to promote sales of war bonds and stam'ps Guest speakers at this largely at tended meeting were Mayor Henry Toepfert who declared him Jelf as "awfully of the girls and their ideals and Mrs William Dwight publisher of the local newspaper long a figure in the Scout movement and its only honorary member She laud ed the girls as the tender shoots of a coming great generation and would take their place in the further shap ing of this great democracy The pageant presented last night was directed by Misses Geraldine Cady and Mariin Kennedy both members of the local school system while the large chorus was under direction of Mrs Kenneth Dobbs Dur ing the pageantry each troop pre sented its collection of pennies to go to the Juliette Low Memorial fund There was also the presentation of a number of first class awards to the Scouts AT PACKARD 1941 Packard Sedan 1941 Olds Club Sedan 1911 DeSoto Conv Club Coupe Packard Holyoke Motors 155 ELM ST HOLYOKE Discuss Possibility of Legisla tion to Halt Suit Against a City committee headed by Rogowski has arranged an program for Sunday aft 2 in the city hall audi B1TTEN BY DOG Holyoke May The board of health offices this morning report Joan Driscoll of 207 Beech street was bitten by a dog She is under the care of Dr Edward A Knowlton Plus the laugh hit TAXI MISTER' Tomorrow Marks 400th Anniversary of Death Holyoke May Conway of 2068 for the past 41 the Holyoke fire tired yesterday in conformity with the state retire ment act at a meeting of the fire commission His retirement will be come effective' as of June 8 Capt Conway will celebrate his 70th birth day on Sunday Capt Conway characterized by the first commission as an excellent fire man and officer became a member of thei department when it was estab lished on a permanent basis January 1 1902 He served at several of the stations and was elevated to a lieu tenancy on ebruary 1 1915 serv ing in that capacity until December 13 1923 when the commission named him captain in the department Since that time he has been stationed at the old Mount Tom station with en gine 4 JOHN WAYNE JOHN CARROLL "LYING ANDREWS SISTERS "GIVE OUT Starts Sunday CLAUDETTE COLBERT JOEL McCREA "PALM BEACH MARLENE DIETRICH RAN DOLPH SCOTT "PITTSBURGH" iD or Hood Used Cars GARAGE 41 Hast hicopae alls Tel Chic 8045 22 The Bronson company was this for for Chiconee May 2 2 rDrf Claude uess headmaster at An dover academy will speak at the an nual commencement exercises of Chic opee high school on June 21 The school will close on that day for the summer vacation There will be 201 students grad uated about 15 less than last year The war effort is believed responsible for the smaller class this year war Industries giving jobs to students when they reached 16 Dr uess was the biographer of Calvin Coolidge whose life he de scribed in a book called ''Calvin Coolidge the Man rom He also tvrote the biography of Caleb Cushing and is the author of many other: books and articles Chicopee May 22 Chicopee will join with 600 other communities throughout the nation tomorrow in the observance of Copernican day in honor of Nicholas Copernicus great Polish astronomer and scientist on the 400th anniversary of his death and of the publication of his epochal treatise Coelestium' conception and ushered in science The Chicopee Copernican Quadri centennial rancis attractive ernoon at torium Guest speakers to' address the gathering will be George Szumowski assistant Polish consulate in New York Prof Manifred Kridl of Smith college John Desmond Jr su perintendent of the Chicopee public schools: Mayor Leo Senecal and Rep Edward Lysek Chester Ski hinski state labor commissioner will act as master of ceremonies and Jiev Eugene Piesecki pastor of St Stanislaus church will offer invo cation The Jan Robak broadcasting or chestra will present several selec tions and the St Stanislaus church choir will sing Tart of the program will be broadcast through the facili ties of station Chairman Rogowski has extended invitations to every church fraternal civic social amt industrial tion to participate in the servance by attending the exercises The Chiconee committee worked to make the local program a success is aS follows: Chairman Ro gowski Rev Lawrence AL Cyman honorary chairman Rev Eugene Ti asecki Stanislaw Wojtasiewicz Stan islaw olta Ann Cyran Mrs Le ona Mitera Mrs Alice Niemiec Jus tin Sudyla Paul Placek Mrs Victoria Tasterczyk Alice Matras Ignatius Iwanicki and Thaddeus Szetela chowder for mili has been charge of the housing authority rank Tylunas uneral Home Complete Modern uneral Home Service 159 Broadway Chicopee alls TELEPHONE 1826 Holyoke May 22 Holyoke Business and Professional Women's club will celebrate its 19th anniversary at the annual day banquet at the Roger Smith hotel on Tuesday The organization been active in civic affairs and charity benefits for a number of years Its outstanding con tribution to date is the purchase of more than $50000 war bonds The Holyoke organization is a member of the national and international fed eration of Business and Professional clubs Miss Anna Cream chairman of the affair will introduce the principal speaker Miss Yoeh ining Ting a jun ior premedical student at Mount Hol yoke college Miss Ting Chinese born will discuss highlights of Chinese af fairs in relation to the United States and will conclude her discussion with several of her folk songs Miss father was a surgeon physician in Shanghai for many years and according to reports is still in the fallen city Chicopee May 22 By agreement with Nelson McCraw director of Chicopee Housing authority arrange ments have been made to open addi tional units of the nursery school and lunch centers at Chicomansett vil lage next week Supt of Schools John Desmond announced today The new centers will be located in the Administration building of the housing project and McCraw has in dicated that all necessary equipment is available Letters have been sent out to par ents living at Chicomansett and chil dren for the nursery school will be accepted on the basis of their moth working hours Number of chil dren can be accommodated in the nursery school will be limited to 35 No limitation however has been set on the number of applicants who wish to take advantage of the school lunch project Holyoke May 22 Williamson of Mr and Mrs William of 16 Brirrhtwood' avenue is of Holyoke boys who passed the re cently held V12 examinations to re port to be sworn into service Gammie went to Springfield this morning and is now eligible for appointment to some college for special training for the navy Gammie is Holyoke born a gradu ate of Holyoke high school and is well known in athletic' circles lie was cocaptai'n of Holyoke high school football team' and played basketball He was the junior ski champion of the city and coleader of the Williams swing band Other boys who will report for in duction sometime next week are Wil liam Wagner son of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Wagner of 201 Oak street Wagner is an honor student at Sa cred Heart high school and has been selected as a speaker for graduation exercises He played baseball and basketball for the school and played in the Williams band Daniel Lynch son of judge Eugene A Lynch of Madison avenue West Patrick Meany son of Mr and Mrs Patrick Meany also of Madison ave nue West Donald Burke son of Dr and Mrs Robert' Burke of Linden street and rancis Shea son of Mrs Rose Shea of erguson place are oth er boys who will report for induction sometime next week After induction the boys will be notified to report to some designated college either on July 1 or November 1 May Adjustments by the city to property owners on Gran by road and Prospect street in con nection with seizure of land by em inent domain for the building of the road to the air base will be made in the near future it was indicated to day 1 Mayor Leo Senecal City Solicitor Walter Shea and Robert King audi tor who has been designated by the court to assess the value of the land seized toured the territory yesterday afternoon with a iew to reaching a final decision on adjustments to be made The land takjngs in question were made move than a year ago when the road was first built DINING and DANCING TONITE Awarded for 200 Hours of ly ing in Coastal Antisub Patrol with Jean and Donald starring Jan rtunier Aiihritfon and rieda elected short subjects com snow in HI YA CHUM committee: Jean Rheume Rosemary Lougnrey Constance Look Bowers Harriette Murray Dorothy ESSENTIAL TRANSPORTATION DANCE IN THE GARDENS 10 PECE 10 1 ea on Sat Nite) Chicopee May Wanda Gwozdz 17 of 75 Grove street charged! with being a stubborn child was foundguilty in district court this morning by Judge Joseph Carmody and sent to Lancaster reformatory for women The girl was reported missing from home Tuesday morning and was lo cated at Woonsocket 1 yesterday by police there where she had gone with Violet rieau 18 a state ward living in Willimansett to see Plea mother The Gwozdz was brought back to Chicopee the Pleau girl remained xvith mother narents told the lice that their daughter kept later hours than they thought good for her and that when they reprimanded her she ran away EVERY SAT NITE CLUB WILL MARK ANNIVERSARY STARTING TOMORROW DON'T MISS THE SCREEN'S GREATEST COMEDIANS BUD LOU ABBOTT COSTELLO IN DONE Have it repaired at Healy Garage Motor repair body A fender repairs paintinc wheel aliffniiiE wheel bal ancing 78 West St Chicopee Tel 1171 Chicopee May Motor Car Sales morning awarded the contract four 1942 four door Chevrolets cruisers for the Chicopee police de partment by Mayor Leo Senecal The sales company's bid was $185132 The transaction calls for a turn of four cruisers now being used the police department the turn value allowed being $600 May 22 19411 Deen In our hearts lies a picture Of a loved one pone to rear And those who think of him today Are those who loved blmc best HIS WIE AND CHILDREN Times Noel Coward's WHICH WE Holyoke May 22 Officers were elected at the' annual meeting of the Holyoke Hospital Aid association at the Nurses' home yesterday They are: President Mrs'William first VhiTin Judd: second Irs Joseph Wright rccordin tnur Afro Tiomal IrllJ nip imr secretary Mrs dale treasurer Mrs assistant treasurer Mrs Hemphill finance Mi's Alkov nncitlnn 1 Sutherland sell public Magna 1 Heid i ALSO IINX ALKENBURG and BERT GOR DEN (as the Mad Russian) in "Laugh Your Blues Away" HOLYOKE BOY CLASS OICER AT WPI PAGEANT GIVEN BY GIRL SCOUTS Chicopee alls May Michael Godek of 16 West Slain street has re ceived word that his son Mitsie Godek is receiving advanced train ing at a marine corps base Godek at tended Chicopee Trade school and prior to entering the service ivas em ployed at the isk division of the United States Rubber company Tilr and Mrs Wilfred Gelina of Grape street have announced the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter Miss Cecile Gelina to Pvt Armand Bernash son of Mr and Mrs Oscar Bernash of Narragansett boulevard The wedding will be an event of June 12 at Assumption church at 9 Mrs Dorothy Mason of East Main street opened her home last night for a meeting of the East Main Street De fense Stamp club when a period of bridge followed the business meeting Prizes for high score went to Mrs Alexina Moreau and she also Avon the attendance prize After the luncheon Mrs Mary Martin of East Main street invited the members to be her guests at the coming meeting rancis Cooney son of Airs Eva Cooney of 88 South street is under going advanced training with the ma rine corps He attended Williams burg high school tvhere he played basketball baseball and football Trior to enlisting Mr Cooney was employed as an arc weldor with the Indian Motocycle company The Chicopee alls group of the New Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles 1943 reserve models available for you to buy We obtain permits under liberalized rationing rules the Gov ernment wants these cars put into use now Also safety tested used cars that look like new '41 Dodge custom 4 Dr Sed beauty '41 Chev 2 Dr 4 Dr Sedans perfect in every detail '41 Mercury Sed bargain priced '40 Chev and Pont 6 club coupes '40 Olds Sed radio heater BIICHVLINE Chicopee May 21 Mr and Mrs'Kar ol of ront street an nounce the approaching marriage of their daughter Michaline to Wallace A Holmes son of Mr and Mrs Archer Holmes Rumbard I The wed ding will take place in June Continuous Shows Every Day Starting Tomorrow THE JAPS TRIED TO WRITE "ZERO" TO THEIR LOVE! Paramount Presents ROBERT PRESTON Mrt ELLEN DBEW and Personal Events In Holyoke Mrs Charles Messenger of 31 Ar lington street is attending a council meeting of the Daughters of Union Veterans at the Hotel Uenox Boston The convention will consist of Me morial day business Saturday Night You Step Out Step Into Holyoke May Alice Mc Nally junior at Hmyoke high school was chairman of the color day sponsored annually by the Her ald school organ Members of the school paper distributed puple and white lapel ribbons for a small cost and proceeds will ue used for school needs Assisting Miss McNally was the fol lowing Etheline Scott Barbara Ruth Hall Joyce Hpvwnnrl Patricia McDowell Charlotte Rosenberg Mo neaque Ducharme Anne Keouugh Barbara Greaney and Barbara Bouil let William Gammie Who Passed Exam Sworn In Today in' Springfield Holyoke May 22 Cited for radio operation more than 200 hours in aerial patrol duty over coastal waters exposed to submarines Arthur Bigelow 22 staff sergeant of the army air forces has been decorated with the Air Medal the ment'announced today Sergt Bigelow is a native of Spring field and a former resident of South Hadley alls and lived with his par ents Mr and Mrs Vcrnoll Bigelow of 2145 Northampton street At present he is taking an advanced course in aerial radio training at Langley field Va He had been based at Westover field for some time He is a graduate of Holyoke Trade school machine shop course and in 1939 enlisted in the army infantry Training at ort William Me he was transferred to the Canal Zone and spent 20 months there before coming back to the country He later studied gunnery at Harlengen gunnery school and was discharged in 1941 He then reenlisted in the air forces Music by Gerry Orchestra Chicopee May 22 The United States Civil Service commission will conduct examinations for junior typ ist and stenographer Tuesday eve ning at 645 in room 114 at the Chic opee high school These examinations are being held to fill positions in the Springfield area and Washington Applications for this examination and information houMng Condi tions in Washington may be obtained from the secretary at Chicopee post office Applicants are urged to re port with their application properly filled out and notarized The local secretary tvill notarize all applications presented to him before Monday eve ning at 645 CHICOPEE ALLS Joseph A Ziemba Real Estate 30 Center St Chicopee Mass received that Jo ana Mrs Buchanan of Taft avenue formeiW a chief mate in the has 'been promoted to the rank of warrant officer pharma cist His wife and two children make their home in Newport 1 Ho is now stationed in Brooklyn Second Class Seaman rancis Des iarlais of the navy has completed a 3 I Af V2 leave wnn nis purruw rank avenue liinrhAnn wns nrenared mittee in charge of the party and Tne main aisn was ciani Capt McCraw who leaves tary service on the 29th in office in this city Willimansett May 22 Of is the approaching marriage Cecile Gelina daughter of xt tn Pvt Ml3 HilUCU Bprnash son of Mr and Mis Oscai iMiv 1 1 i 11 here The wedding ivill June 12 at 9 a in the tion church Chicopee VVUAU lid 3 Buchanan son of Mr CHICOPEE BRIES Beginning Tuesday surgical dress ings workers at Aldenville will meet nt St Rose de Lima church on Tues days at 7 BUILDING PERMITS Chicopee May Building permits have been filed at the office of Building Inspector Joseph Ducharme by Martin and Clara Larner who wish to repair damage done by fire in their home at a cost of $300 and by DorOthy Metzger of 112 Clarendon street who plans to build a poultry shed JAMES ALVEY Chicopee May 22 James alvey a senior at Chicopee high school will be an end in the Chicopee high school minstrel this year for the third time The show will be presented on the 28th and 29th at the school for the benefit of the athletic association Tickets have been sold out once and more reserved seats were added and were snapped up A small number of general rush tickets will be sold at the door to "early lut the number admitted will be limited according to school authorities vice president Mrs vice president correspond McCorkin Brown Raymond irown filled by ballot Chairman of 'Mrs James sewing Mrs Stuart ttus relations Mrs ns ii i Al sri ikf Dii membership Mrs George hranrh notivitv Mrs Malcolm Mackintosh: donations Airs William Skinner auditors Mrs John Hazen and Mrs rederick Celce Chairmen of nominations commit tee Mrs Bosworth Mrs William Dwight Mrs Harry Dutton Mrs Don ald Purrington and Mrs Paul Schmit ter members at large Mrs Childs Mrs Whiting Mrs Hazen Airs George Jenks Airs Rob ert Newcombe Aliss Dorothy ranz members honorary Airs Towne Airs Robert Cadden and Airs red Webber SPEEDER INED 810 Holyoke Alay Leo Bean of 837 Alain street Springfield was tried and found guilty in district court this morning of violating an executive order relative to speeding The court assessed him $10 Holyoke May Dr George A rereira who has been commissioned a first lieutenant in the United States dental corps has received orders to report to the headquarters 3d service command Baltimore Aid the 31st He is a graduate of Holyoke high school Massachusetts State college 1939 and New York University College of Den tistry 1943 He has been associated with his father Dr of High street while awaiting his army orders lie makes his home with his parents HOLYOKEHOSPiTAL AID GROUP ELECTS OICERS legally paid for filing bills has passed the ask for a sus bill can the city skullduggery Guinn Williams and Porter Hall are also in the cast The companion feature is Comes Up and with Louise plete tHe show Continuous Sunday WILLIMANSETT Holyoke May 22 Senator William Nolen and Representative John alvey conferred this morning with Alayor Henry Toepfert informing him that they would attempt to have the Legislature' sanction the bill of the Gas and Electric department againsDH16 dty lighting The committee that conferred yes terday with Theodore Waddell was informed that only by legislative ac tion could the bill be Although the time with the Legislature local legislators will pension of rules so that the be filed and the suit against withdrawn The suit is answerable in court Afonday but a continuance will be asked to allow the legislators to file their bill have it passed authority given for payment of amount due the city Have IN J1KMORTAM lovinsr memory of my husband and father rank rotorski who died Chicopee Alay 22 Automobile drivers in Chicopee apparently will not be forced to run the risk of be ing stopped by local police on sus picion of being pleasure drivers The police department will not conduct a concerted drive against violators of the OPA pleasure driving ban Police Chief rancis Linehan indicated to day Although the department intends to cooperate with OPA to the extent that all persons arrested for driving violations will be investigated thor oughly and a police report including an explanation of the reason for driving sent to the OPA office no in tensive action in enforcing the pleas ure driving regulation is contemplated by the department AT THE Chicopee May Tonight for the last time the 55 ermck tneater playing "The orest red AiacAIurray and Paulette darcl and "Boston Blackie Goes with Chester Morris Constance Worth or Sunday dav and Tuesday the feature is The story is of a kill fight for law and order in a town which was not sure it wanted either Its cast is headed Glenn ord as the soft spoken killer ivho wanted to reform Randolph Scott as the sheriff 5vho is his rival for the hand of the Evelyn Keyes Claire Trevor appears as the Count ess and Edgar Buchanan as the likable rascal responsible for all the SUN MON TUES Randolph Glenn ord PLUS "IT COMES UP LOVE" Gloria Jean and Donald O'Connor HERBERT SCOTT Chevrolet Oldsmobiles Sales and Service Where Customers Send Their riends 120 SUOLK ST AT ELM HOLYOKE TEL 6404 Mr and Airs Desjarlais of Ducharme and has left for Sampson from where he will receive assignment Alice Valle and Airs Joseph Samson of Lovy Quebec nave ie turned following a visit with Air and Airs Arthur Douville of Whit man street Airs Robert Landry and infant daughter are now at home at 152 orest street having been discharged from Providence Alaternity hospital Holyoke Airs John leming is now at home on Rivers avenue having been dis charged from Holyoke City hospital Hel infant son is still confined there light Officer Earl Briggs and Mrs Briggs of Williston Parks Long Island have returned following a short stay with relatives locally hav ing come here to attend the Gladu Joyal nutials in St Anne's church last week Airs Briggs is the for mer Aliss Claire Joyal Of this town and her husband is stationed at Alitchel field New York irst Class Seaman Marcel Bolduc of Brooklyn has resumed his post following a 10 day furlough with his wife the former Miss Hollande Lamy of orge village and with his parents Air and Airs Euclid Bol duc of Celestine street Dining and Dancing Tonite To The Music Of JERRY WOODS And His Band Here Every Wedf ri and Sat Polish Music Every Tues and Thurs Grove Available or Parties Make Your Reservations Now s' "I ii a LAiTZ4 Pi 'i '43 4 nn flH WMINEK Bltosy VICTWI.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.